It is not an easy task to pass the test easily. However, one can pass the test by thoroughly learning the full syllabus and by following certain tips and tricks. Therefore, in this section, we are going to help you in the preparation for MDCAT and will let you know how you can achieve your goal in a good way.
MDCAT Preparation Tips 2025
Here are the 9 Proven tips for high scores in MDCAT. In this article, I will guide you on how to Make and Follow below Mdcat preparation strategy below.
- Determination and Focus are the keys
- Keep the PDMC syllabus with you
- Set your timetable and follow it
- Seek proper guidance
- Strengthen your weak points
- Participate in MDCAT Practice Oline tests beforehand
- Practice, Practice, and Practice
- Make a strategy beforehand to solve MDCAT
- Stay Optimistic
Check:- UHS MDCAT Roll Number Slips
Get the MDCAT Book, which is recommended by the toppers for Quick Preparation [Within 2 months]. Place your Order below. Home Delivery within 24hours-48hours Via TCS.
Get MDCAT Book, which is recommended by the toppers for Quick Preparation [Within 1 months]. Place your Order below. Home Delivery within 24hours-48hours Via TCS.
Preparation TRICKS and PLANNING
Divide your paper into time patches
1st Round Easy portion
130 MCQs out of 200 fall in the easy category. Here is the master plan to prepare 130 easy MCQs of the National MDCAT By PMDC.
Here students make mistakes in a hurry. This is the easiest portion of your exam. The time required for these 130 MCQs should be maxed at 1h _ 1h 10 min leave all other MCQs for the next round
Read MCQs In Biology almost 60 MCQs Chemistry almost 40 Physics almost 20 English almost 10 This constitutes the major portion of your mdcat paper and attempt all these superficial MCQs rapidly 60+ 40+20+10 =130
Here another huge mistake made by many of the students is to tick the right option but fill the wrong bubble in a hurry. Tip For bubble filling I suggest you, Fill the bubbles after completing two sides of the paper. Then turn the page and attempt the next 2 pages. And fill their bubbles Here starts your exam.
Check:- NUMS 2024 Paper PDF
2nd Round Intermediate zone
20-30s MCQs ( 2_3 read)In Bio 10 -12 mcqs chemistry 10_12 mcqs Physcis 10_12 mcqsEnglish 5_6 MCQs.All you need for these 35 MCQs is 20 min max. There are easier MCQs. You will attempt these easily just with a little bit of thinking and remembering.
Leave all the big statement difficult MCQs for the next phase. Don’t do them during this phase. You are going on gradually. Just go on with the pace. Just the thing is not to frighten, control your nerves. if you find some MCQs difficult. any portion difficult just relax and go on doing all these superficial and easier MCQs with the flow. Leave all those You find time taking, big statement MCQs, calculation MCQs for the third phase of the exam
3rd Round
The most important round of the PMDC exam starts now. Believe me, all of u good students ( toppers with all that is required) start decision time who can perform under pressure. All of u will be equal but many of u will lose the game at this spot.
Determination and Focus are the keys
The first and foremost thing that will aid you to achieve your desired score is determination and focus. Students almost get three months for their MDCAT preparation. Three months mean 90 days which requires your determination and all of your focus. If students are focused, they are more likely to be successful than unfocused students.
The success of the students resides in how much they are serious about their exams and how desperately they want to get selected for top-ranked medical institutes. You can stay determined and focused by watching various motivational videos. So, to stay focused, keep yourself motivated. Students can also motivate themselves by telling them all the reasons why they need to pass this exam. Students can think about their parents, family, and their associated wishes with them.
Read:- KMU MDCAT Answer Key 2024
MDCAT Syllabus
Keep the MDCAT Syllabus with you, You can also download the PDF File of the Syllabus from here.
Once students are focused and motivated, they will keep all the essentials with them which will help them in MDCAT preparation. Students should know what they need to study and in which areas they need to be more focused. Students can better prepare when they are aware of the syllabus. Keep yourself updated with the latest syllabus.
How To Set your timetable and follow it
When a person is truly passionate about achieving something, the very important thing he needs to do is to spare the proper amount of time. Once students pass the MDCAT, they need to make a proper timetable in which they can mention their subjects and fix the timing for their preparation. Note that you should fix the proper time for sleep to properly focus on your studies.
Seek proper guidance
It is essential to seek proper guidance for the preparation of the MDCAT. There are a lot of MDCAT preparatory institutes that help students in preparation through proper techniques and strategies.
These institutes equip students with proper guidelines and tools that help students in their tests. They help students cover all the MDCAT syllabus within time and according to MDCAT test requirements.
Strengthen your weak points
Identify the areas where you are weak and which need to be strengthened. The majority of the students get difficulty in Chemistry and Physics. Therefore, students should identify their weak areas and should be more focused on them and strengthen them. Students should not have supernatural expectations of themselves, instead, they should assess themselves thoroughly and be focused.
Moreover, students can also get help from their teachers as they better know the weak points of their students. Finally, this will help students in knowing which subjects they need to put some extra effort into.
Participate in MDCAT Practice Oline tests beforehand
The best possible thing that will help students greatly in their exams is that they can attempt MDCAT-type exams beforehand. Attempting such exams beforehand will help students how they can attempt the MDCAT test in the future. it will help students in the assessment of their preparation and in identifying their weak areas.
Read:- SZABMU 2024 Paper
MDCAT books
Selection of the BestMDCAT Books will play a major role in Preparation. Try to read from the Punjab Text Board books. These are the Best for preparation.
“Practice makes a man perfect,” is the best suitable saying to quote here. You cannot be successful until and unless you are not practicing your syllabus.
Your success lies in the fact that how much you have practiced the syllabus. You can repeatedly listen to the lectures and can give tests chapter and topic-wise. Revise your syllabus as many times as you can. Join various institutes to give tests, if it’s not possible then it’s completely okay as you can give tests to someone in your family.
Stay Optimistic
Optimism and faith are the keys to keeping yourself going. Stay faithful and seek help from Allah to reach your desired goals. Moreover, try to surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude toward you and who are there for you to motivate you. The majority of the students get panic about the test but it is essential to overcome the pressure to reach our goals.
Students can handle pressure by standing in front of the mirror and by convincing themselves that they are strong enough to pass the test. It is essential for students not to take tests on their nerves as this can bring adverse outcomes. Students should keep themselves out of all the negativity, stress, and anxiety to give their best. Students need to control their thoughts as they lead the actions of the person.
Read:- UHS MDCAT 2024 Answer Key
Online MDCAT 2025 Preparation
Here are the guidelines for MDCAT 2025 Online Preparation. This year PMC also going to conduct MDCAT online. The expected test will be conducted in August.

Subject wise preparation guide is here.
- The majority of the students are recommended to attempt the Biology section first as it can be easily solved as compared to other subjects. In this way, within a little time, you can solve the Biology section and will be out of its tension.
- Then, with all of your concentration, you can attempt other sections which are comparatively complicated. Try to solve the Physics section afterward as it is a bit more complicated than Biology.
- Additionally, you can assign time for each section. In this way, you will be able to attempt your full paper within the assigned time.
- Every Student Must prepare the online MDCAT tutorial by PMDC. The videos will be added here.
This is the ultimate guide for MDCAT Preparation. This Guide is written by Dr.Minahil Tausif author of the Pakistan Medical Research Council. You can also read her latest article about Medical Colleges in Islamabad. We Will be happy to answer your quires. Ask Questions About MDCAT In the Comment Box.